Show off your products with Twitter Cards
10 July 2013

We know that Twitter is one of the best mediums for creating a buzz about your products and services, but did you know that you can now have your product photos and details appear directly on Twitter whenever a direct link is posted?
In the example pictured here you can see a tweet from one of our clients, Nourished Life, including a link to one of their products.
On Twitter this post is now accompanied by a "Show Details" link which brings up an extra panel displaying the product name, description, photo and other details, as well as a link to Irene's profile and the product itself.
There are currently seven types of Twitter Card. They range from a simple Summary Card, associated with blog posts and articles, to specialised cards for Products, Photos, Videos and Apps.
If you're active on Twitter and think this could benefit your website, please get in touch.
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« Product Microdata and "rich snippets"