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AWS encryption attack mitigation

We have a few websites now where files are being stored in the cloud using Amazon S3 storage. So bringing to your attention...

The Messaging Company

If you're reading this you may be aware that iiNet and related email addresses have recently been offloaded to The Messaging...

New email hosting package available

Through our new Dreamscape portal you can now subscribe to a hosted email package for your domain, at very reasonable prices....

New Dreamscape Domain Portal

For those of you with domain names registered through Chirp's Dreamscape account, the new portal can be accessed at

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PayPal SHA-256 notice

11 September 2015

Some of you will have received an email from PayPal regarding the replacement of their SHA-1 certificates with SHA-256 and it's impact on your shopping cart/payment process.

Our web servers have all been upgraded to support SHA-256 a long time ago, and all but one of our secure websites have also had their SSL certificates upgraded, and we'll be working with the last one to upgrade asap.

In short, we don't expect any problems or disruption to service when PayPal 'catches up' on security. If there are problems, PayPal are providing a backup service using the old SHA-1 protocol which can be used while any outstanding issues are resolved.

It should also be noted that the payment process itself is unlikely to be impacted. The affected services relate to the payment confirmation signal that we receive after successful payment.

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