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The Messaging Company

12 August 2024

If you're reading this you may be aware that iiNet and related email addresses have recently been offloaded to The Messaging Company (TMC) who will be charging a separate monthly fee.

Currently there are many emails being rejected by TMC due to an unspecified 'Content Policy'.

*** Update *** we have been in contact with TMC and emails are now flowing normally. But it still wouldn't hurt to follow the steps below for important emails.

If you are using the TMC webmail interface and suspect you might be missing out on emails from a specific sender, the steps you can take are:

  • Login to webmail (Inbox should be showing);
  • Top left of screen, under NEW MESSAGE, go to 9 dots in a square shape to left to your email address;
  • Click on dots – opens drop-down menu – choose Settings > Mail;
  • On Mail Settings page – scroll down to Allow / Block Lists – choose EDIT;
  • Under Allow email addresses and domains add any that you need, on separate lines;
  • SAVE.

N.B. You are better off whitelisting domains (the part after the '@') rather than individual email addresses.

Optusnet email issues - resolved? »

« Optusnet email issues - update

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