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Case study:Customisable online quiz

29 September 2022

Our client wanted to set up an interactive quiz where questions are presented one at a time and the responses used to generate a list of recommended products from the website. Results are also to be stored for later analysis.

We proposed a system that would be re-usable allowing new quizzes to be set up and run either at different times or in parallel. Questions can be shared between quizzes and previous responses will be remembered.

For each question the response can be in the form of: short or long text, checkboxes with the option of selecting multiple values, or radio buttons with a single selection.

A nice mobile-friendly interface was created with smooth horizontal scrolling between questions followed by presentation of the results and recommendations.

Customers can leave and return to the quiz at any time with responses being saved. Results in the form of customer preferences are also recorded to their account.

To date nearly 1,500 customers have completed their first quiz.

Following this a second client had the requirement to set up a survey for their members applying for accreditation, with the extra requirement that some questions involved selecting values from a list of competencies.

In this case we have implemented a single-page survey form that the member can enter and update at any time. Alongside this they also have the ability to securely upload files.

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